Relative to the price of many things, the price of milk in Switzerland is low. A litre of milk in a Swiss supermarket typically costs between CHF 1.50 and CHF 2.00. Plant milk alternatives often cost close to CHF 3.00. Of the retail price paid for milk only 70 cents makes it into the pockets […]
Swiss bankruptcies expected to rise sharply this year
Authorities in several Swiss cantons are gearing up for a sharp rise in the number of bankruptcies this year, possibly double the number in 2024, reported SRF. Some cantons are employing new staff to deal with the sharp rise, which is partly due to a change in the rules. Many companies on the edge of […]
Switzerland to allow personal bankruptcy
Currently, it is impossible for individuals to legally escape their debts in Switzerland, even when they have no chance of ever paying them back. Some find themselves trapped in debt for the rest of their lives. This week, the Federal Council unveiled a new legal procedure that will offer some heavily indebted people a second […]
Swiss supermarkets require customers to choose fruit and vegetable bags
Since the beginning of the year, a new step has been added to buying fresh fruit and vegetables in Swiss supermarkets. Previously, the produce went on the scales, the relevant number was entered, a button pushed, and a price sticker produced. Now there’s an extra step: a bag choice must be made. What is going […]
The Body Shop to shut down in Switzerland
This week, the shut down of The Body Shop in Switzerland was announced, reported SRF. The brand’s 33 remaining shops will close in May 2025. The Body Shop Switzerland is a franchise owned and operated by the Coop supermarket group. Coop has said that it will not extend the franchise contract, which ends in May […]
Zurich faces major shortage of workers by 2050
This week, modelling published by the Zurich Office for Economic Affairs, shows a significant shortage of workers emerging in the canton by 2050. Within 25 years, Zurich will have tens of thousands of workers less than it needs, despite a growing population. The modelling shows that as more people retire from the workforce than enter […]
Swiss central bank to share recent profits
The Swiss National Bank (SNB), Switzerland’s central bank, has a narrow role: to ensure price stability, which means managing inflation. Sometimes in the course of this task it generates a profit. For the year ended 31 December 2024, the SNB made a profit of CHF 80 billion, of which CHF 3 billion will be paid […]
Abolition of imputed rent gets bogged down in complexity
A project to end Switzerland’s controversial system of imputed rent was launched more than seven years ago. This week, discussions in Bern suggest the project’s chances of sucess remain narrow. In Switzerland, anyone who owns a property retained as a primary or secondary residence must add a fictional rent to their taxable income, which is […]
Tourism one quarter of Switzerland’s traffic
New data show that tourism accounts for 25% of the total traffic on Swiss roads, reported SRF. The Federal Council report shows that leisure and tourism account for 53% of passenger road traffic, with the other 47% made up of commuting to and from work. Regular leisure traffic by residents of Switzerland accounted for 27% […]
New data on Switzerland’s gender pay gap
Across much of the developed world, gender pay disparities all but disappear if comparisons are made like for like, looking at individuals doing the same function in the same company, according to Korn Ferry Hay Group research, which looked at 20 million salaries at 25,000 organizations in 100 nations. However, because of job and career […]