In 2021, 11,148 people reported being victims of domestic violence in Switzerland, according to figures reported this week by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). This figure represents 0.13% of the population or 13 out of every 10,000. Overall, women and girls (18 per 10,000) were 2.3 times more likely than men and boys (8 per […]
Hitting women acceptable to a significant percentage of boys in Switzerland
A study done by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences shows surprisingly high support for violence against women among young people in Switzerland, according to the Aargauer Zeitung. 8,300 young people at school aged 17 and 18 across 10 cantons were asked a series questions. Around half of the group were boys. As part of […]
Switzerland tops OECD gender index
For the fourth year, the OECD has ranked 120 countries on their political commitments and laws aimed at eliminating gender discrimination. The percentage based scores measure the remaining discrimination, so the lower the score the better. Overall scores range from 8% in Switzerland, down to 64% in Yemen. Some countries had gaps in their data […]