Solitary, pensive figures. Deserted streets or a luminous gas station in twilight. A night diner seen from outside. These are the static, atmospheric scenes we usually connect with Edward Hopper’s paintings. A uniquely American artist, who lived from 1882 to 1967. The famed Beyeler museum in Basel has chosen to exhibit a few of these, […]
17 online museums and a concert
Here is a list online museums and a concert below for everyone in lock down. Enjoy! ONLINE MUSEUMS: Pinacoteca di Brera – Milano Galleria degli Uffizi – Firenze Musei Vaticani – Roma Museo Archeologico – Athens Prado – Madrid Louvre – Paris British Museum – London Metropolitan Museum – New York Hermitage – Saint Petersburg […]
4 best mountain spas in French-speaking Switzerland
ALL YEAR ROUND The Alps are synonymous with skiing but alpine geothermal springs and spas are sometimes overlooked. If the thought of lugging skis, poles and person to the ski lift to spend a day risking life and limb on snow isn’t appealing, or the sun has gone into hiding, then why not head to […]
5 totally-not-stuffy Swiss museums for kids of all ages
By Bill Harby Winter weather is the perfect time for families to explore Switzerland’s fine museums. Some suggestions: Swiss Museum of Transport Lucern No wonder this is the most-visited museum in Switzerland with its hands-on exhibits showing the history and future of Swiss transport on railways, highways, waterways and skyways. Don’t tell your kids about […]
20 ice skating rinks around Lake Geneva. Get your skates on!
Ice skating season is here so get your skates on! There are ice-skating rinks all over Geneva, Vaud and neighbouring Fribourg. Entrance prices vary and all rinks have skates that you can hire. The links below will take you to the relevant websites for prices, locations and opening and closing times. The ice skating season […]
Five gorgeous Swiss parks for contemplating autumn splendor
By Bill Harby Whether you prefer thickets of grand old trees, a formal English garden, or a pocket park, these five urban green spaces offer colourful ways to rustle through autumn leaves. Geneva: Park La Grange One minute you’re in bustling Geneva with buses and trams and people everywhere, then, a few steps later, you’re […]
Chaplin’s World – enter the home and life of a comic genius
Film legend Charlie Chaplin spent 24 years living in the Manoir de Ban, a grand old mansion above Vevey in Switzerland. In 2016, his charming former home and grounds were cleverly and artfully transformed into Chaplin’s World and opened to the public. Wandering through the rooms of the mansion it is easy to imagine you’ve been […]
Taking a trip back in time on a Swiss steam train
Trains run Saturdays and Sundays from 4 May until 27 October 2019. On 21 May 1966, the local rail company closed the line between the two small towns of Blonay and Chamby, in Switzerland’s Riviera region, on the eastern reaches of Lake Geneva. Too few were catching the trains on this stretch of track, that had opened in […]
Foxtrail – an adventure game on the streets of Lausanne
As we zoomed down the metro line, the puzzle unfolded with the first clue we were given: watch for the fox’s green paw print on the rail track. Later, during our half-day adventure chasing the “fox”, we had to figure out a series of other clues: a barometer showing a thieving alligator, a particular sewer […]
Lake Geneva – tests show beaches with cleanest water
A map published recently by the Commission internationale pour la protection des eaux du Léman (CIPEL), a Swiss-French intergovernmental organisation, rates the water quality at most Lake Geneva beaches as excellent or of a medium to good quality. Only one, Pointe-à-la-Bise – Collonge-Bellerive was rated as having water that is sometimes polluted. The map above […]