Ice skating season is here so get your skates on!
There are ice-skating rinks all over Geneva, Vaud and neighbouring Fribourg. Entrance prices vary and all rinks have skates that you can hire. The links below will take you to the relevant websites for prices, locations and opening and closing times.
The ice skating season generally follows the ski season and starts in November or December and runs until some time in March. Some of the natural rinks like Lac de Joux have shorter seasons, as do some smaller rinks focused on Christmas and New Year festivities.
Skating is a great family winter activity. It is something everyone can do (if you don’t mind a bit of sliding around on your rear) and is a lot less hassle and expense than a day of skiing. 20 rinks across the Lake Geneva region are set out below.
Around Geneva
1. The Patinoire des Charmilles, Promenade de l’Europe 11, 1203 Geneva, Tél.+41 22 344 51 03. Closed on Sundays and Mondays, free entrance and a rental fee of 2 CHF for skates
2. Patinoire des Vernets, Rue Hans-Wilsdorf 4, 1227 Les Acacias, Geneva, Tél. +41 22 418 40 00. Open to the public and sports clubs. Two ice skating rinks
3. Centre sportif Sous-moulin, 39 Rte de Sous-Moulin, Thonex, 022 305 00 00 Entrance fee 3 CHF to 5 CHF
4. The Patinoire des Bastions, Parc des Bastions, Geneva, Tél. +41 79 445 25 64 free entrance, rental fee of 2 CHF for skates
Around Nyon
1. Patinoire de Gland, Chemin de la Serine, 1196 Gland, Mobile +41 (0) 79 454 51 74
2. Patinoire de Terre Sainte, Rue de la Gare, 1296 Coppet, Mobile +41 (0) 79 256 48 16
3. Patinoire de Rive, Au bord du lac Léman, 1260 Nyon, Tel. +41 (0) 79 911 67 79
4. Lac de Joux, Vallée de Joux Tourisme, Centre Sportif, Rue de L’Orbe 8, 1347 Le Sentier, Tel. +41 (0)21 845 17 77. This is the largest natural ice surface in Europe. It is normally open in January and February depending on weather conditions. It is essential to check the weather before setting out. The journey is around 1 hour from Nyon.
5. St. Cergue, There are times dedicated to free skating and ice hockey. Check with the commune, Tel. +41 22 360 11 46
Here is a short video of someone skating on Lac de Joux.
Around Lausanne
1. Patinoire de la Pontaise, Rte des Plaines-du-Loup 11, 1018 Lausanne, Tel. +41 (0) 21 315 49 35. This open-air rink, situated near the La Pontaise Olympic stadium in the Plaines-du-loup district, is very popular.
2. Vaudoise aréna, Ch. du Viaduc 14, 1008 Prilly, Tel. +41 (0) 21 620 65 00
3. Patinoire des Eaux-Minérales, Av. Henry-Warnery 8, 1110 Morges, Tel. +41 (0) 21 801 32 14
4. Patinoire du Flon, Esplanade du Flon, 1003 Lausanne, A mobile rink in the middle of the Flon for winter. Skating could be combined with shopping or a movie. Tel. +41 (0) 21 320 15 66
5. Patinoire de Lutry, Place des Fêtes, 1095 Lutry
6. Lac de Joux, Vallée de Joux Tourisme, Centre Sportif, Rue de L’Orbe 8, 1347 Le Sentier, Tel. +41 (0)21 845 17 77. This is the largest natural ice surface in Europe. It is normally open in January and February depending on weather conditions. It is essential to check the weather before setting out. The journey is around 50 minutes from Lausanne.
Here is a short clip of ice skating at the Flon in Lausanne.
Around Vevey / Montreux
1. Parc des Sports, 1865 Les Diablerets. An outdoor rink surrounded by an alpine backdrop. Tel. +41 (0) 24 492 39 88.
2. Vevey sur Glace, Case postale 20, 1800 Vevey 1, Tel. +41 (0) 21 925 53 55. A mobile rink set up for the winter season close to the main Place du Marché in Vevey.
3. Les Paccots skate rink, Route des Dailles, 1619 Châtel-Saint-Denis (Les Paccots village). This rink is under a roof with open sides. There is a buvette next to it that serves warm drinks and snacks. Across the road is a great restaurant called Le Tsalè that serves reasonably priced cheesy fribourgois delights.
4. Caux skating rink village above Glion which is above Montreux. To find the skating rink you need to turn left just after the hotel school. It is set back from the road in the forest and not well signposted. This is a natural outdoor rink so you need to check to see if it is open before setting out because opening is highly weather dependent. It is also quite rustic but very quaint and friendly. Adults cost CHF 4, Children CHF 3 and skate rental CHF 3, +41 (0)79 549 55 04 (Valérie).
5. Patinoire Montreux. Down near the waterfront this synthetic rink opens on 6 January under the covered market once the Christmas market stalls have vacated it. It stays open until 29 March and is free. Skates can be hired for CHF 5.
Playing ice hockey on the rink at Caux, Montreux below.
We hope this gives you a good taste of the ice skating on offer in the region. Happy skating!