Lyon – the largest city closest to Geneva – has long marketed itself as “the heart of Europe”. Whether this convinces investors is another matter. The Lake Geneva region has far more reason for assuming this role. For this to happen, it needs to become the pivotal hub of the “Lyons–Geneva–Milan triangle”, as one Swiss […]
EU elections: The Swiss right’s conundrum
Notwithstanding the long-term visions of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine and other exceptional individuals, the wonderfully patriotic propaganda one often finds in American schools about how united the 13 colonies were against King George III has little to do with reality. What largely characterized the colonies was that they were beset by rivalries, jealousies […]
Of bugs, bacteria and human behaviour
Funny things, bugs. I was pondering this the other day, as I sat watching my children performing in a school play. They were on opposite sides of the stage and I spent an hour trying to make eye contact with them both at the same time, so no one could accuse me of loving the […]
This fusion life
One of the most amazing revelations I’ve had in Switzerland thus far (apart from the fact that eau de parfum is not pronounced ‘err de parfyoom’) is that not everyone likes biltong. I shared my treasured store with some British and Swiss friends once, and it was an eye-opener. Half of them paled at the […]
Making sense of the referenda
Making sense of the referenda Just as Bern failed to explain the possible long-term impact of a positive vote to curb EU immigration, the Department of Defence also neglected to put across its case in support of the 18 May Gripen fighter vote. Given readers’ response, some for, others against, to a Le News story highlighting a critical Norwegian report on the Gripen, it […]
True confessions of a book fiend
“Goodbye, my darlings,” I waved to them, as they sped away in the back of the charity shop van. “I’ll never forget you.” My books. Boxes of them, packed off as if they meant nothing to me. As if they hadn’t given me some of the happiest moments of my life. My husband, who has […]
Swiss quality, yes. But what about good value?
Whenever visitors baulk at the high price of a coffee, a hotel room or a lamb cutlet, the Swiss are always quick to respond: we provide quality. This may be true to a point. It is certainly the argument of the Swiss taxi cartel to justify its incredibly high rates or Swiss airlines in its […]
Are referendums for the best?
With diverse constituencies (Britain, Scotland, Russia, Quebec…) dabbling in the need – or threat – to hold referendums as long as it suits their purposes, the Swiss model has proved the most successful, but also questionable. Exploring the Gripen affair on our front page, one is left wondering whether a popular vote is such a […]
Baby steps
Ever since we arrived in Switzerland my husband and I have been fantasizing about the outdoor adventures we could have, if only our children would walk. In true Johannesburg-child fashion, they seem to believe that feet are things meant for pressing accelerator pedals. Not that they’re lazy. They’ll run around in the park forever, bounce […]
How an ogre ate my favourite song
I try not to be judgmental, I really do. Treasure can often be found in the most surprising places; truffles don’t immediately present themselves as edible, let alone delicious, and so on. But I must admit, I’m losing the battle – I’m complaining a lot and my family thinks I’m boring. For example, it causes […]