Every year, Verbier hosts its opening day, an event where they attempt to assemble a record number of skiers dressed as St. Nicolas, or his redder equivalent: Santa Claus.

© Phillip Judd
This year the event is on 3 December 2022 and returns after a Covid-19 induced hiatus.
In 2016, the sun shone, the snow was decent, and a new Verbier record was set when more than 1,200 Santas assembled at 2,500m, high on Verbier’s slopes. Le News was there to capture the festivities.

© Phillip Judd

© Phillip Judd
According to the Guinness World Records, the largest gathering of Father Christmases was 18,112 during an event organised by Thrissur Citizenry and Thrissur Archdiocese in Kerala in India on 27 December 2014. It is unlikely that these Clauses were on snow. It is equally unlikely that they sang and waved to the song YMCA by the Village People – see video below.
Lift operator Televerbier used to provide all who were sufficiently red and bearded with a free lift pass – these days they charge CHF 5 (still much cheaper than a normal full priced adult pass at CHF 80). Plus croissants, coffee and mulled wine are offered for free.
We’ll ski to that.
The next open day is on 3 December 2022 – click here for more info.
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