Dear organisers of the Mars One Mission (M.O.M.) It has recently come to my attention that you are planning to establish a human settlement on Mars, and I would really, really like to volunteer to be a part of it. You may wonder why I – a very tired 40-something mother of two small children […]
American Sniper
AMERICAN SNIPER *** A huge box-office hit in the US, with each showing often sold out, this latest Clint Eastwood film, about the real Navy Seal elite sniper Chris Kyle, is a red-blooded, all-American tale of a war hero. As that, it is a gripping tale of a driven, dedicated man, brilliantly directed, edited and acted, with Kyle […]
Snow Therapy; The Interview
SNOW THERAPY (TURIST/FORCE MAJEURE) **** (vo Swedish/French) Powerful is the word that best describes this Swedish film that, among its other awards, deservedly won the Jury Prize in the Certain Regard section at Cannes last year. It starts as a pale, austere skiing tale about a man who momentarily fails his family in an […]
Wolf Moons and Alpha Pups
Did you know that the first full moon of the year was once known as the Wolf Moon? I picked this snippet up online and shared it with my older child one cold January night, as we had a magical mommy-daughter moment, holding hands and looking up at that moon. Perhaps I should have chosen […]
Of Pinterest, Feral Children and the Kruger National Park
Ever since the bigger child turned 8 and is now ‘practically a teenager’, we’ve been clashing over what she is and isn’t allowed to do. ‘You’re, like, totally controlling,’ she told me a few days ago. ‘No I’m not. And speak properly. And stand up straight.’ ‘You’re also overprotective. What do you ever let me […]
The Imitation Game; Into the Woods
THE IMITATION GAME **** How is it that the Brits excel so at dialogue and drama? It must be their inherent bit of Shakespeare. Here is a brilliant example of their forte – a great story based on historical facts (by Andrew Hodges and Graham Moore), tight direction by, of all people, Norwegian director Morten […]
Morning Mood
What’s the music of your morning? These days, mine is far less ‘Morning Mood’ and more ‘Ride of the Valkyries’; less sipping herbal tea as I watch the sun peer pinkly over the Alps, and more hefty contributions to the Swear Jar as I run around trying to get everybody ready and out of the […]
Foxcatcher; Durak (The Fool/L’Idiot)
Foxcatcher **** The cast of Foxcatcher deserves an ensemble acting award, especially the usually-comedic Steve Carell, playing against type here, plus Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo as two close brothers. The film is based on the true story of the eccentric John duPont, from the fabled industrial family, who became a patron to the 1988 […]
Wild Tales (Les nouveaux sauvages); Wild; Une heure de tranquillité; Les Souvenirs
Wild Tales (Les nouveaux sauvages) **** (vo Spanish) A socially-conscious film from Argentina, Wild Tales/Relatos Salvages by Damian Szifron is a delicious, ferocious black comedy in several short stories – chilling and hypnotic in its analysis of revenge, social injustice and jealousy. It starts with a bizarre plane trip, free for all the passengers; another […]
5 beauty products you can make at home
Why spend tens and even hundreds of francs on beauty products when you can just as easily make them yourself, using simple ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen pantry? Making your own beauty products will not only help you cut your expenses, but your skin and hair will also benefit from the […]