10 September 2021. By Neptune DÉLICIEUX (Delicious) ***1/2 (vo French) This film by Eric Besnard is what the title evokes – delicious! The courtly interiors, the bucolic paysage, the delicate music, the inventive food, and the slow love that finally develops make it so. It’s a French film after all, based in the late 18th […]
This week’s reviews: Le Fils de Saul, Look of Silence, The Walk, Burnt
5 November 2015. Neptune Ravar Ingwersen reviews film extensively for publications in Switzerland. She views 4 to 8 films a week and her aim is to sort the wheat from the chaff for readers. Not to be missed Starting this Friday 6 November and running until 14 November 2015 is the Geneva International Film Festival, […]
A Most Wanted Man; Refroidis (In Order of Disappearance)
A Most Wanted Man **** Except for a few moments of greenery, an imposing private bank and a grand hotel bar, the elegant city of Hamburg has never looked so grim. But we are, after all, in the grey world of John le Carré, a universe of tired spies with few illusions of grandeur. Our […]
Film reviews: Der Kreis (Le Circle); Strange
Der Kreis (Le Circle) **** (vo German) Switzerland’s selection for this year’s Foreign Film Oscar and winner of every festival it has entered, including the Teddy award at the Berlin film fest, this is a brilliant docudrama about the first gay men’s magazine and organization created in Zurich in the 1940s when it was extremely […]