Award winning Swiss-based Afghan poet and author Bashir Sakhawarz describes his encounter with bees and what it taught him about Swiss culture. This article was originally published on 3 June 2015. While we kill each other in Afghanistan, here people take care of bees making sure that not even a single one is lost. That is […]
Switzerland unwelcoming to expats, shows survey
A survey of expats published on 12 July 2022 ranks Switzerland 43rd out of 52 nations on ease of settling in. The definition of an expat is based on the sample used in the Expat Insider 2022 survey. This group was 46 years old on average, more female (52%) than male (47%), most likely to […]
Revolution in the UDC? A Happy Valley Exclusive!
The August 1 Swiss national holiday is almost here. It’s a day awaited with bated breath by your loyal Happy Valley Correspondent. Why? Well, first of all there are fireworks. Many fireworks. Fireworks which even in the tiniest of bleds often rival those of an Olympic closing ceremony. And Happy Valley is no exception. Second, […]
First impressions: Switzerland at Milan Expo 2015
Here in an unseasonably chilly Happy Valley, this has been a week of fulfilling one’s national duty. I am talking about visiting Expo 2015 — and seeing how the Swiss pavilion stacks up against the parade of great nations eager to showcase their wares a few kilometres outside of Milan. (I also could throw in […]
Swiss Rail “doesn’t like its customers”
Feeling Unloved by Swiss Railways? It’s been a week of shattered illusions in Happy Valley. As if the Swiss National Bank‘s unexpected, abrupt ending of the Swiss franc 1.2 floor in January 2015 was not enough to disillusion your correspondent, now comes the humbling of yet another pillar of Swiss predictability and reliability. I am […]
Switzerland – Home of the World’s Best Festival?
Cully Jazz, errant bachelors, and the only way to travel to Frankfurt… Your loyal Happy Valley correspondent is sitting on a Kuwait Airways flight from Geneva to Frankfurt. It’s civilized, quick — and amazingly inexpensive. The wide-bodied plane is at best 10% full, which means extra-attentive service, plentiful leg-room and a level of overhead storage […]
Gender equality, quality of life and Swiss citizenship
Dispatches from Happy Valley – an expat’s view of life in Switzerland Another dispatch from Happy Valley…this writer’s affectionate name for the Swiss region bordering on Lac Léman (Lake Geneva). Back in Happy Valley after a long return flight from Canada via Paris to Geneva. Coincidentally on International Women’s Day, with Air France handing out […]
An expat’s view: let it snow. In Happy Valley.
“C’est pire qu’au Canada, non? Faut trouver une meilleure fraise!” – I’d expect a Canadian to have better tools! So called out my neighbour the other day, as the snow continued to fall over the heights of Lake Léman, Switzerland. And so goes another day in a place that might be best, with its many […]