It is Christmas time! Time for Christmas carols, Christmas cookies and beautiful street decorations. However, Christmas time in Zürich this year seems to be a little different: On 13 December about 200 often masked rioters armed with crude weapons including iron bars plundered and vandalised the centre of Switzerland’s biggest city, causing significant damage to […]
Swiss higher education under attack
Last February’s referendum seeking to restrict mass immigration from the European Union already has seriously damaged Swiss universities and complicated student exchanges. The federal government in Bern has less than three years (February, 2017) to decide how to implement the curbs on the free circulation of people, the pillar of the European cooperation, as constitutionally […]
Fight against impunity
On 17 September this year, Martina Johnson a former Liberian rebel commander, was arrested in Belgium. She is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The charges have been brought thanks to the determination of a Geneva Lawyer, Alain Werner, who specializes in documenting crimes committed during the civil wars in western Africa. For […]
Reservé pour vous, madame!
To facilitate the life of lady customers, a Chinese shopping mall decided to reserve several 30 centimetres wider parking lots marked in pink with the indication: “Respectfully reserved for women”. The city hall of Seoul launched a similar enterprise – the initiative is a part of a more global project to make the South Korean […]
Back to the future
100 years have passed and the history of the 20th century’s first genocide is beginning to weigh heavily. Every year on 24 April, Armenians the world over commemorate the 1915 Armenian genocide at the hand of the Turks. This year is the 100th anniversary of this tragedy. In order to mark the occasion, the Armenian […]