Many nations have laws that ban parents from spanking their children. Despite much political discussion, Switzerland does not. This week, the government of the canton of Jura voted against introducing such a law, reported Le Matin this week.

More than 60 nations have made smacking children illegal after Sweden led the way by banning it in 1979. Bans then quickly spread to Norway and Finland. In the 1980s and 90s, more European countries outlawed the practice. In 2000, the trend moved beyond Europe when Israel introduced a ban on smacking. Since then a number of Asian, African and Latin American nations have followed.
The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children lists 63 nations that have made smacking children illegal in any setting, including at home. Corporal punishment in schools is now illegal in a total of 135 countries.
According to the global initiative to end corporal punishment more than 300 studies over 50 years involving hundreds and thousands of children show associations between corporal punishment and a wide range of negative outcomes, while no studies have found evidence of any benefits.
This week the canton of Jura was poised to be the first canton in Switzerland to ban the practice. However, with 38 votes against and only 20 in favour a ban in the canton remained elusive.
In the end a majority were persuaded that any decision on corporal punishment should be decided at the federal level. The canton has neither the jurisdiction or ability to implement the law required to satisfy the motion, said the canton’s government.
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William Larson says
I think this is crazy. Spanking children has been done for centuries. Political correctness gone wild AGAIN.
Adam Göetz. says
If you can only take a look at the World Quality of Life lost or diminished, because of those spoiled brat leaders : spanking and smacking should have been long be one accessible tools to create kids ,becoming adolescent not making foolish decisions without consequences.
As we are having a very trouble World over groups actions , who never face consequences for their very inhuman actions.
Jürgen says
Those leaders were legally spanked in their childhood in 1960s.
Anonymous says
When my father was alive I was quite well behaved because he smacked my ass when I was misbehaving. When he did pass my mom couldn’t do it and I turned into a spoiled brat. Summary is, parents should be able to smack some sense into their children. It teaches them respect, teaches that life isn’t a box of chocolate. These days kids barely have any respect for their elders.
Adam Göetz. says
Thank you , I agree with you 199% : it was the same for me growing up , There’s no one on earth I love more then my father ! He used to clearly said : it is better I make you cry now to save the family name from World Embarrassment.
Truly Works , because if it wasn’t such approach !!! I don’t believe I will be the citizen I am today : as he has long passed away, many things I see becoming common ! Even in my dreams I will jump iup to get awake if I see myself doing : I am now old.