The Economist magazine’s 6-monthly Big Mac index shows the Swiss franc to be even more overvalued than it was in January 2017.

© Pamela Mcadams
The index, which compares the US$ price of a Big Mac around the world places Switzerland at the top with a price of US$ 6.74. This is 27.2% more expensive than the United States where the same burger costs US$ 5.30.
In January 2017, the same burger in Switzerland cost US$ 6.35 and US$ 5.06 in the US making the Swiss one 25.5% more pricey.
The cheapest burgers are still found in Egypt where they are now 69% cheaper than in the US.
Cross-border burger shopping still offers savings. The average euro zone price of US$ 4.47 is 33.7% cheaper than Switzerland.
More on this:
Economist article (in English)
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