On 22 September 2024, Swiss voters rejected two federal initiatives. The first, a plan to combat the decline in biodiversity was rejected by 63% of voters. The second, a government plan to reform employee pensions was rejected by 67% of voters.

For the biodiversity initiative, cantonal level vote results ranged from nearly 58% in favour in the canton of Basel-City to nearly 77% against in the canton of Schwyz. Only the urban cantons of Geneva (51% for) and Basel-City (58% for) voted in favour of this initiative, which was viewed as burdensome and impractical by many in the agricultural sector. Voter participation for this vote was 45%.
For the pension reform referendum, cantonal level vote results ranged from nearly 57% against in the canton of Zug to 77% against in of the canton of Jura. The plan did not find a majority in any canton. The result will be a big disappointment to the federal government, which has been trying for many years to find a palatable solution that responds to the twin challenges of low interest rates and higher life expectancy. All of the mathematically viable options, which include reducing pensions, increasing contributions or retiring later are all unpopular. This plan, which included a mix of the first two, proved no different. Voter participation for this vote was 45%.
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