A recent report by the UK based Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) calculates that nearly 59% of UK graduates end up with non-graduate jobs, such as working in a cafe or bar. The report looks at European countries and only Greece and Estonia perform worse on this measure. In Switzerland less than 10% of graduates end up in such jobs, making Switzerland Europe’s leader. Switzerland is followed by Germany, the Netherlands and Slovenia. The report says “…that these countries are the ones that have had a strong history of vocational training…”
The reports adds that ‘…the UK has witnessed one of the highest rates of higher education expansion across Europe over recent decades, but has not seen an increase in high-skill jobs matching that expansion…’. And this is happening at a time when UK universities are enrolling record numbers of students. At 54% the UK (2011 data) has the highest graduation rate in the study. Switzerland has a graduation rate of 31% (2012 data).
More on this:
Over qualification and skills mismatch in the graduate labour market (CIPD – in English)
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