Ever since we arrived in Switzerland my husband and I have been fantasizing about the outdoor adventures we could have, if only our children would walk. In true Johannesburg-child fashion, they seem to believe that feet are things meant for pressing accelerator pedals. Not that they’re lazy. They’ll run around in the park forever, bounce […]
How an ogre ate my favourite song
I try not to be judgmental, I really do. Treasure can often be found in the most surprising places; truffles don’t immediately present themselves as edible, let alone delicious, and so on. But I must admit, I’m losing the battle – I’m complaining a lot and my family thinks I’m boring. For example, it causes […]
Social media is not journalism
As many countries are finding, you’re only as good as your media. The killing of Geneva-based German photographer Anja Niedringhaus in Afghanistan brought it all home. Here was a world-class photographer who laid down her life (unintentionally) to bring back the images that so many of us have come to take for granted, or for […]
Rebranding Int’l Geneva
The UN’s acting head in Geneva is pushing for a complete renewal of the region’s global image. Michael Møller, appointed last November as acting director-general of the UN in Switzerland, would like to see a vibrant new International Geneva that includes not only the UN agencies and NGOS, but also multi-national corporations, Swiss businesses, donors […]
Hedgehogs, wolves and climate change
Following last year’s disastrous spring, our current warm weather has been marred by this week’s UN Intergovernmental Climate Change report warning of more extreme conditions and food insecurity unless we take action. Normally I rely on the disappearing mountain snows to herald the advent of spring, coupled with that other more unfortunate indication, the number […]
Eco-warriors and morality police
I’m trying to be a better person, because of my children. It’s partly that I love them and I want to set a good example, of course. But it’s also because I have the feeling that they’ll tell on me if I don’t behave, and I’ll be in trouble with someone. Take the seven-year-old. She’s […]
The world wants more than chocolate from Switzerland
Switzerland has a very clear role to play on the international front. But this means playing intelligently and in a manner that exemplifies what Switzerland does best – mediation. As Pamela Taylor’s story notes, Didier Burkhalter may be on the right track with his dual role as President of the Confederation and Chair of the […]
Life is nothing like a lifestyle blog
I love lifestyle blogs. I’ve spent hours poring over the lives of strangers: looking at photos of their furniture, pictures they’ve taken of interesting trees, close-ups of their dinner, served in charmingly mismatched tableware. In fact, I love these blogs so much that I thought my family should start one. We live in a beautiful […]
The battleship and the speedboat
The Good Witch of the North once said, “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.” As much as I like the sound of that, I’m not convinced. Physically I’m in great shape, having played competitive netball in primary school. But I must admit, I’m already starting to miss my once-firm young […]
Of snow, skiing and seven-year-olds
“I think I ski better than you,” my daughter told me the other day. “What makes you say that?” I asked, attempting to discreetly remove the icicle that had jammed up my left nostril a few moments earlier, when I ploughed into a snow drift. “You fall down more than I do.” It’s true. I […]