In Switzerland, 32% of women have moved out of the family home by the age of 20, compared to only 23% of men, according to data published this week by Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

This gender different persists with rising age. By 25, 83% of daughters have left but only 68% of sons have. By 30, the same percentages are 97% and 90%.
In addition, early on there are significant differences across linguistic regions. By the age of 20, 27% of German speakers have left home, compared to 30% of French speakers and 35% of Italian speakers.
Level of education appears to also play a part in the rates of young people leaving home. Women with tertiary education (35%) are more likely to have left home by the age of 20 than those without (31%). The same percentages for men are 22% and 25%. Leaving home to study at university is one factor behind this difference.
FSO data (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
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