The shift away from religion continues to accelerate in Switzerland. By 2022, those belonging to no faith (34%) outnumbered Catholics (32%), protestants (21%) and other faith groups (12%). The only groups growing are the non-religious, Muslims and other forms of Christianity, according to statistics published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).
The percentage of the population following no religion is highest in urban cantons. In Basel it is 56% and in Neuchâtel 53% of the population is non religious. At the other end of the spectrum sits the canton of Appenzell Innerhodden, where only 15% of the population has no religious affiliation.
Age appears to be a determining factor. Among those over 75 only 16% are non religious, compared to 42% of those aged 25 to 34. Men (36%) are also more likely to have left religion behind than women (31%).
The rise in the non religious percentage of the population has been significant. In 1970, only 1% claimed to be unreligious. Today the same figure is nearly 34%. In the most recent ten years the percentage has jumped dramatically from 21% to 34%.
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