This week, 15,024 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Switzerland, down 22% from the 19,237 recorded the week before.

This week there were 31 recorded Covid-19 deaths compared to 44 the week before. The number hospitalised also fell from 327 to 238, a drop of 27%. However, delays in reporting mean recent hospitalisation data could be revised upwards.
Last week, the government extended the use of Covid certificates. Since Monday a valid certificate has been required to enter many places, such as the interior of restaurants. Today, the government announced new rules for people entering the country – read here.
Swiss authorities want to reduce the risk of reaching the high infection numbers that put the health system under severe pressure last autumn. In September last year average daily new cases were around 400 with around 200 Covid-19 patients in hospital. But by mid-November 2020, new cases were running at around 8,000 and there were more than 3,000 Covid-19 patients in hospital. With (53%) of the population fully vaccinated and an even higher percentage of the most vulnerable, a winter as bad as last year is unlikely.
At the same time, there are plenty of unprotected people remaining in Switzerland who could potentially end up with severe symptoms and put strain on the healthcare system.
The percentage fully vaccinated in Switzerland has barely moved this week rising by only 0.56 percentage points. Switzerland is now 12 percentage behind the UK and Italy, 11 behind France and 9 behind Germany – rates here.
The vast majority of those getting infected and ending up in hospital with Covid-19 are now unvaccinated. This week RTS reported on the negative impact this is having on cancer care.
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