Internal testing by Migros found listeria bacteria in a Gorgonzola e Mascarpone cheese product.

The cheese product shown above should not be eaten, according to Migros.
If consumed it could trigger flu-like symptoms including fever, headache and nausea. Pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems who have consumed this product and who have these symptoms should consult a medical professional immediately, advised Migros.
The cheese, called Gorgonzola e Mascarpone, has the product number 2125.830.240 and a use by date of 21.10.19.
The product, which has been removed from the supermarket’s shelves, was also sold online by
The Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) also recommends not consuming the product.
More on this:
FSVO press release (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
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