Heidi Joos, the managing director of the organisation Avenir 50 plus, and others, plan to launch a referendum aimed at introducing laws against age discrimination in Switzerland.

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Age discrimination in recruitment is common in Switzerland. Some job search websites allow filtering by age, and job adverts sometimes specify applicants be below a particular age.
The initiative aims to provide a framework for seeking legal justice in cases of age discrimination, to ban age specification in job adverts and to ban online age filters on recruitment websites.
Another problem for older workers is institutional. The amount employers must contribute to 2nd pillar contribution-based employee pensions increases with age. Workers under 35 only cost employers an additional 3.5% of salary. From 55, workers cost employers an additional 9% – workers aged 35 to 44 cost employers an additional 5% and those 45 to 54 cost an extra 7.5%. Unless older workers are prepared to take a pay cut, this makes them more expensive. Another organisation, 50 plus, has launched an initiative calling for a single contribution rate for all age groups.
A workaround would be to allow employers to be up front about this extra cost and cut salaries by an amount that makes the all-in employee cost age neutral, effectively reversing this institutional economic disincentive to take on older workers. However, in the current political climate employers are not prepared to discuss the subject, say some campaigners.
According Workfair 50+, the plight of older workers has reached breaking point. Only 14% of unemployed workers 55 or over who end up on welfare manage to get back into stable full time employment. And 31% of them never work again.
Recent figures from Federal Statistical Office show a sharp increase in those between 50 and 64 on welfare. Between 2011 and 2017 the rate rose from 2.5% to 3.2%, an increase of 28 %. Across the total population it increased by 10% over the same period. 57% of those on welfare between 50 and 64 are graduates or have professional qualifications.
More on this:
Avenir 50 plus article (in German)
Federal Statistical Office data (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
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victor says
dismrimination by age is like any other discrimination. hiring has to be objective. perhaps for some jobs most older people are not suitable, but not all. The vast majority of jobs require intelligence, work ethic, common sense, responsrbility, nothing to do with age.
I mean, if most top executives are over 60, many over 70, Trump and Reagan over 70, Warren Buffet over 80, it is not ratronal yo discrimindte by age, discriminate only by performance. Do not relax standards for older people, just make job requirements rational, based on facts.
So many stupid ideas are so widely accepted makes you wonder about human common sense-rationality.
In some countries it is illegal, but illegal or not, it should not be practiced. It is like discrimination by gender. Sure, for some jobs most women will not meet requirements of physical strength and will not pe hired but that should not keep a women with. the strength out. At any rate, even physically weaker people are needed in jobs traditionally filled by strong men, for example, firfighters. Strong men tend to be heavy and bulky, therefore in some situations a small woman (or man) may perform better, for example to squeeze through a small opening to rescue someone.