THE IMITATION GAME **** How is it that the Brits excel so at dialogue and drama? It must be their inherent bit of Shakespeare. Here is a brilliant example of their forte – a great story based on historical facts (by Andrew Hodges and Graham Moore), tight direction by, of all people, Norwegian director Morten […]
Foxcatcher; Durak (The Fool/L’Idiot)
Foxcatcher **** The cast of Foxcatcher deserves an ensemble acting award, especially the usually-comedic Steve Carell, playing against type here, plus Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo as two close brothers. The film is based on the true story of the eccentric John duPont, from the fabled industrial family, who became a patron to the 1988 […]
Wild Tales (Les nouveaux sauvages); Wild; Une heure de tranquillité; Les Souvenirs
Wild Tales (Les nouveaux sauvages) **** (vo Spanish) A socially-conscious film from Argentina, Wild Tales/Relatos Salvages by Damian Szifron is a delicious, ferocious black comedy in several short stories – chilling and hypnotic in its analysis of revenge, social injustice and jealousy. It starts with a bizarre plane trip, free for all the passengers; another […]
Still Life; Whiplash; Yalom’s Cure
We’re in luck in this brand new year of 2015 – fine films coming out in droves, with the three below a taste of some of the best. One gentle, the second electrifying and the third a Zen experience. Get to the movies and enjoy great cinema! Still Life (Une belle fin) **** This is […]
Mr. Turner; Coming Home
Mr. Turner *** Character-actor Timothy Spall won the best acting trophy at Cannes and at the European Film awards for his portrayal of the English painter William Turner. It is well known that the esteemed British director Mike Leigh has an unorthodox method of making films – there is no script, just an idea of […]
Of Horses and Men; Timbuktu
Of Horses and Men **** (vo Icelandic) We are back in the Northern climes (after the brilliant Norwegian Refroidis/Kraftidioten), this time in Iceland, where at times they come up with superb cinema – mostly of the poker-faced, comedic style at which they excel. How can one describe this one by the talented first-time director Benedikt […]
Nightcrawler; Dark Star
Nightcrawler (Night Call) **** Jake Gyllenhaal deserves an Oscar nomination for his powerful performance here as a determined psychopath whose main drive is ambition and achievement. He portrays a serious young man who wants to find a job, learn a trade, more than eager and willing to do anything to get ahead. He stumbles onto […]