Tribune de Genève. Plans are afoot to invest close to CHF 3 billion across 15 sites across Geneva over the next few years, according to Tribune de Genève. Not only will existing buildings be renovated and extended, schools, apartments and new transport infrastructure will be added. “Over the next five years, we are going to invest […]
Why are UN Geneva interns not paid?
The plight of David Hyde, a 22 year unpaid United Nations (UN) intern from New Zealand, found camping in a leaky tent near the edge of lake Geneva, has sparked widespread condemnation of the UN and allegations of exploitation. Unpaid #UN intern David Hyde forced to live in tent near the UN Beach Club […]
From Grade I apples to car seat belts: The UN’s unknown “pearl”
Heading one of the United Nations’ least known but most influential organizations, Christian Bach, the recently appointed Danish Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is hoping to turn it into a household name. GENEVA One of the UN’s most pervasive problems is that it is marketing itself poorly. Given that much […]