As part of a revision of the rules related to foreigners in Switzerland the federal government has concluded discussions around cutting welfare entitlements for nationals from much of the world, reported the newspaper Le Matin. Discussions on restricting the welfare paid to some foreigners, which have been going on for some time, concluded on 3 […]
Swiss government moves to reduce welfare payments to foreigners
In 2017, Switzerland spent CHF 8.3 billion on welfare. This comes out at between CHF 397 (Nidwalden) and CHF 2,029 (Basel-City) per person depending on the canton of residence. The figures were CHF 1,705 in Geneva, CHF 1,454 in Zurich and CHF 1,308 in Vaud – click here for figures for other cantons. The high […]
Switzerland’s welfare spending jumps 53 percent
A recent report shows welfare spending increased 53% over ten years. From 2005 to 2015 it rose from CHF 1.7 billion to CHF 2.6 billion. These figures only include cash payments. The sum is even more significant when other elements are included. Once added the bill rises to around CHF 8 billion. In 2005, the same […]