Sponsored by Centre for Coaching (Switzerland) Janine Everson, Director of the Centre for Coaching, explores in this sixth interview of a seven part series on The Secrets of Success in Coaching: “Dealing with a massive business crisis”. In this example of exceptionally powerful coaching, Janine explores the case of dealing with a massive business crisis. Often in […]
How can you dissolve conflict through active listening?
Competitive listening is often a source of conflict. In this interview,
Janine explores what drives that conflit and how to identify it.
Secrets of Success in Coaching (3): How to develop leaders in the most effective way?
Sponsored by Centre for Coaching (Switzerland) Janine Everson, Director of the Centre for Coaching, explores in this third interview of a seven part series on The Secrets of Success in Coaching: “How to develop leaders in the most effective way?”. One of the biggest challenges facing leaders today is not what you learn, but how you bring […]
Secrets of Success in Coaching (2): Making Coaching more affordable
Sponsored by Centre for Coaching (Switzerland) Janine Everson, Director of the Centre for Coaching, explores in this second interview of a seven part series on The Secrets of Success in Coaching: “The secret to making coaching more affordable”. In this second interview, Janine looks at how to make coaching more affordable for organisations, including some innovative examples. […]
The Secrets of Success in Coaching (1): What a successful coaching strategy should look like for an organisation
Sponsored by Centre for Coaching (Switzerland) Janine Everson, Director of the Centre for Coaching, explores in this first interview of a seven-part series, the Secrets of Success in Coaching: “What a successful coaching strategy should look like for an organisation”. In this first interview, Janine looks at what common mistakes companies make when integrating coaching […]
What are your staff saying behind your back? Coaching could provide answers
“I can see that my manager is trying really hard but it’s not working. The team is unmotivated and always complaining about what everyone else is doing. My manager does nothing to fix it. Working here is no fun so I am looking for a new job.” Sound familiar? Coaching could provide answers. If […]