This week, the leaders of the municipality of Zurich voted in favour of charging large car owners more for resident parking permits, reported SRF.

The prices of resident parking permits are set to be calculated based on vehicle weight. A similar charging model has already been introduced in the city of Biel/Bienne. In Zurich, owners of emission-free vehicles will soon be charged between 30 and 40 cents per kilogram of vehicle weight. Those with fossil fuel powered vehicles will pay between 35 and 45 cents per kilogram. The price of an annual permit is expected to rise from CHF 300 to as high as CHF 540. According to the Socialist Party the new price will still be around a quarter of the cost of a private park.
The vote passed with the support of members from the Socialist, Green and Liberal Green parties. The other main parties were against it. The Swiss Peoples Party (SVP/UDC) argued that the changes would penalise families that rely on larger vehicles.
A majority of municipal leaders hope that the change will reduce the size of vehicles on the streets of the city.
Another change included in the plan prevents residents with their own private residential parks from applying for a permit to park on the street. It is hoped this will push vehicles off the streets and into private parking spaces. It is hoped this and the increased price will cut the number of permits issued by 10%.
The plan will now go to the legislative drafting committee before being presented for a final vote to municipal leaders once the the legal wording has been finalised.
The Swiss People’s Party (SVP/UDC) said that it is already discussing the possibility of a referendum against the new rules.
More on this:
SRF article (in German)
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