This week, the Federal Council recommended voters vote no in the referendum known as the stop compulsory vaccination initiative, scheduled for 9 June 2024, reported SRF.

A key criticism of the initiative is that it could make applying and enforcing the law difficult. If it was accepted the consequences would be uncertain for the work of judges and police.
Born from a fear that the population could be forced to have something injected, such as a vaccine or a microchip, the initiative aims to enshrine a fundamental right of individuals to be able to make decisions about their physical integrity without any repercusions, which is defined as professional or social disadvantage or fines.
However, there is no compulsory vaccination requirement in Switzerland, said the Federal Council. And, rights regarding physical and mental integrity are already enshrined in Switzerland’s constitution.
In addition, in certain situations, protecting people with compromised immune systems might require those who have or have not been vaccinated to behave or be treated differently.
More on this:
SRF article (in German)
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