Unsurprisingly, hiking and skiing are among the top sporting activities in Switzerland. Cycling, swimming, jogging, fitness training, weight lifting, yoga, dance and gymnastics complete the top ten.

Switzerland’s most popular sporting activities in 2020 included walking and hiking (56.9%), cycling excluding mountain biking (42.0%), swimming (38.6%), skiing (34.9%) and jogging (27.0%).
The sports with the biggest jumps in popularity between 2014 and 2020 were walking/hiking (+12.9 percentage points), weight training (+8.3), yoga/pilates (+5.7), dance (+3.5) and jogging (+3.2).
The sports that fell most from favour were nordic walking (-2.4 percentage points), fitness training (-1.2), gymnastics (-1.0) and skiing (-0.5).
Those in the highest salary bracket of more than CHF 9,000 per month were more likely than those earning CHF 5000 or less a month to engage in every sporting activity except for dance, gymnastics, aqua-fitness and basket ball. Sports where higher income correlated with the largest positive difference in participation were swimming, skiing, jogging, fitness training, weight training, mountain biking, tennis, golf, windsurfing, squash and diving.
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Mato says
No via ferrata? Or it’s included in climbing?