This week, Switzerland’s lift association (RMS) put together a health protection plan for the coming ski season, which includes the possibility of introducing a requirement to present a valid Covid certificate to access lifts, reported RTS.

Like last winter, RMS decided that lift users will need to wear masks in enclosed lifts and keep the windows open. Although it will not be necessary to wear masks while on chairlifts or while standing in line outside like last season.
Regarding restaurants, Covid certificates will be required for entry into resort restaurants in line with rules applied to the rest of the country.
If the epidemiological situation deteriorates RMS plans to add further measures, which may include Covid certificates. However, RMS described the introduction of Covid passes as a measure of last resort and set no criteria for introducing it.
By contrast, in France, Covid certificates will be introduced at ski resorts if the national infection rate reaches 200 per 100,000.
There are concerns around the practicalities of using Covid passes for lift access. The extra time required to check passes could create long queues.
Another possible additional measure is to reduce the allowable number of people in enclosed lifts carrying more than 25 people. This measure was deployed last season, however, some consider it to be ineffective.
Small enclosed lifts that typically contain only people already in close contact with each other are less likely to spread the virus than large ones. Large capacity lifts that tightly pack large numbers of normally disparate groups of people together in spaces with little or no ventilation make them an ideal environment for strangers to exchange air and potentially any viral particles it may contain.
RMS’s health protection plan must now be approved by the Federal Council in Bern.
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As someone who lives in Switzerland and really enjoyed skiing last season. However these green passes are not based on science and the only way to be sure to stop transmission is negative test, which vaccination does not do. One understands the pressure on ski lift companies but we are living in a democracy, what is happening in France and Italy is very coercive and discriminatory as it green passes for restaurant. Meanwhile skiing is becoming a summer sport and as a consequence many people with vote with their feet! See you in the summer!!