This week, 17,997 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Switzerland, up 22% from the week before (14,811).

Many Swiss health experts are now referring to the current situation as a fourth wave.
However, despite high rates of infection, death numbers are relatively low now that 51% of Switzerland’s population has now been fully vaccinated, including a majority of the most vulnerable. This week 26 deaths were recorded, up from 12 the week before.
The main concern currently is the risk of putting stress on the hospital system, something that could be avoided if more people were vaccinated. Most Covid-19 hospital patient admissions are unvaccinated.
Daily hospital admissions on a 7-day average basis are currently running at around 70 a day. 7 days ago the same number was around 50.
According to the government the unvaccinated remain at risk and will become infected sooner or later given the prevalence of the fast-spreading delta varient, which now accounts for close to 100% of reported cases in Switzerland. Vaccinated people are far less likely to develop symptoms and severe forms of the disease requiring hospitalisation.
Switzerland’s vaccination rate has slowed significantly. The percentage of the population fully vaccinated rose by less than 1 (0.57) percentage point this week, rising from 50.75% to 51.32%.
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