Last week, a crowd assembled in Bern outside Switzerland’s federal parliament building to protest the roll out of 5G mobile technology in Switzerland. Frequencia, the organisation behind the demonstration, claims that around 3,000 people attended.

Protests against 5G mobile continue in Switzerland
Switzerland’s “Stop 5G” movement is demanding a halt to further roll out of the technology in Switzerland, a process already well underway. They are demanding a precautionary approach and further research into the health effects.
Most scientists have failed to establish any health risks associated the radiation emitted by mobile equipment, however a portion of the public and some scientist are not convinced and point to other research that raises concerns. Some people, like Jeromy Johnson, who are electrically sensitive, experience a range of symptoms when exposed to this radiation. He recommends using more fibre optics and using mobiles more wisely. A database of research on this subject is accessible via the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) website.
5G technology emits more radio waves than earlier generations of mobile technology. It operates at a higher frequency and therefore requires more masts and higher powered signals to travel the same distance and achieve the same coverage as 4G. An estimated additional 15,000 masts will be required to achieve full 5G coverage in Switzerland.
Resistance to the roll out is higher in rural areas. Many also object to decisions being made by the federal government in Bern and then forced on the cantons and communes against their objections.
Parliamentary motions against the new technology have been proposed in seven of Switzerland’s German-speaking cantons. And the French-speaking cantons of Vaud and Geneva have stopped issuing permits for the erection of new 5G equipment.
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