ON THE BASIS OF SEX (Une Femme d’Exception) ***
By B.J.
If I were to tell you that the heartbeat of one woman in Washington is a major determinant in where Donald Trump takes the US in what is left of his presidency and where the country goes after him you would think I am wandering into hyperbole here, just trying to get you warmed up for the new year.
The point is that 85 year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that is the lady’s name, has been a defender of rights and liberties as a Judge on the Supreme Court of the United States for the last quarter century, and before that fighting for women’s rights throughout her life.
So go see this film about her young years because it is good. It is an interesting, fast-moving, well-acted (with English actress Felicity Jones bravely taking on the leading role) and well directed biopic on this lady. The film is a little clichéd and Hollywoodian at times (her blue dress as the only brighter color in a world of gray) but one can forgive it these faults against the well depicted background of her fight against the dark forces in the social order.
Good stuff, and illuminating to see how far we have been able to push the women’s case forward in the time that Mrs. Ginsburg, with others, has been on it. There is still a long way to go.
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