This week the Economist magazine wrote of the UDC’s (SVP) highly effective election campaign and how it was a key driver of the party’s record breaking success in last weekend’s election. Instead of using the combative slogans of the past, voters were wooed with softer messages.
- Swiss 2015 federal elections: UDC gains big ground (Le News 18.10.15)
The party deftly used social media to communicate its message and attract younger voters. The YouTube video below, featuring UDC leaders, has been viewed over 800,000 times.
Softer messages can be seen in the party’s mascot, Willy the guard dog – the name, alludes to the legendary Swiss hero William Tell who rid Switzerland of Gesseler, the tyrannical Habsburg ruler based in the old Swiss confederacy of the early 14th century. The YouTube video below, entitled the “SVP Freedom Song”, features Willy. Performed by the Swiss artist Willy Tell and key members of the UDC, it has had well over 200,000 views. The song was first performed on 30 July 2015 at Zurich’s main train station.
According to the UDC’s website, Willy the loyal Bernese mountain guard dog assiduously follows the news and if necessary growls, sometimes even barking loudly.