Today, one week after the appalling attack on Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris the weekly satirical magazine published its regular weekly edition. According to the Swiss newspaper the NZZ it will be translated into 16 languages (including Arabic) and be available in Switzerland in German on Friday. The French version is expected to arrive tonight and be available in Switzerland on Thursday according to
For more on this, including pictures of the cover:
Rushing to the kiosks for the new “Charlie” (Tribune de Genève – French)
Too bad they drew the face of the Prophet (Tribune de Genève – French)
Charlie Hebdo reappears (NZZ – German)
Livia Varju says
The day aftrer the Charlie Hebdo attack I wrote a letter to the Tribune de Genéve, but they didn’t publish it, as usual, although I was the only one since who made a concise assessment of the reasons and offered solutions. Here it is in French followed with my English translation:
Il faut accepter que les terroristes agissent selon les commandements dans le
Coran et les Hadith, disant qu’il faut tuer les non-Musulmans, ainsi que selon
l’exemple de Mahomet, qui prêchait la paix pendant les premières 7 années de son
parcours, mais une fois qu’il avait davantage de fidèles, il a initié
de centaines de guerres et tuait sans pitié ceux qui ne voulaient pas
Voici comment je vois les solutions à la violence Musulmane:
1.Il faut réformer Islam en supprimant dans le Coran et les Hadith toute
incitation à tuer les “infidèles”.
2. Il faut aussi réformer les lois Sharia, supprimant les parties brutales,
injustes, pas d’accord avec la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme de
3. Les Imams doivent être formés en Europe et les sermons dans les mosqués
doivent être contrôlés.
4. Tous les Musulmans doivent apprendre la langue du pays ou ils résident.
5. Il faut insister qu’ils acceptent et respectent nos valeurs et traditions au
lieu d’imposer les leurs.
We have to accept that the terrorists act in accordance with the commandments in the Koran and the Hadiths, which tell them to kill non-Muslims, as well as according to the example of Mohammed, who preached peace the first 7 years of his activity, but once he had more followers, he initiated hundreds of wars and killed without mercy those who refused to convert.
This is how I see the solutions to Muslim violence:
1. Islam must be reformed by deleting in the Koran and the Hadiths all incitement to kill the “infidels”.
2. Also the Sharia laws must be reformed, deleting the brutal parts not in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
3. Imams should be trained in Europe, and sermons in the mosques monitored.
4. All Muslims must learn the language of the country where they live.
5. We must insist that they accept and respect our values and traditions instead of imposing theirs.
Sincerely, Livia Varju