Editorial comment
The New Year started quietly. Then barbarity struck the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. While the slaughter was concentrated in Paris the resonance was global. The world rapidly came together in condemnation of this cowardly and atrocious act. Le News joins the world in condemning this barbarous act and offers its condolences to all of those who have been affected by it.
Here are some links showing the reaction of Swiss media:
- Stepping over the line (The Essential Edge – English)
- We are Charlie declare Swiss newspapers (Swissinfo – English)
- Freedom of speech has to be protected at all costs (Swissinfo – English)
- The liberty of Charlie is not negotiable (Tribune de Genève – French)
- Zurich ist Charlie (Basler Zeitung – German)
- Art and the risk of satire (NZZ – German)
- Charlie Hebdo: Notre édition spéciale numérique (L’Hébdo – French)
Livia Varju says
When I head of this barbaric atrocity, was shocked and angry, and when next day I saw on the last page of the Tribune the cartoons about it, I began to cry.
There will be more and more of these attacks unless we act now. I see the following steps to be taken, in short:
1. We can’t deport or expel 33 million Muslims from Europe, but we must insist
that Islam be reformed, expurgating the Koran and the Hadith of all calls to
violence against non-Muslims.
2. We must train Imams in Europe, and the sermons in the mosques must be
3. There should be no faith schools.
4. We should not allow any more Muslims to settle in Europe. Not all Muslims
are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.
5 All Muslims should be required to learn the language of the country they are
living in, and if they don’t, they should be deported, as is the case in
6. We must insist that they respect and follow our values and traditions
instead of wanting to impose theirs.
Sincerely, Livia Varju