The start of a new year always feels a bit like a new beginning. A new chapter. A blank page full of possibilities. An opportunity to start over and to become a better person, not only on the inside but also on the outside. Here are ten beauty vows to help you in your quest to looking beautiful in 2015.
Never sleep in your make-up

Don’t commit beauty crimes
Sleeping in your make-up is probably one of the worst beauty crimes you could commit. At night your skin regenerates and repairs itself from the damage done throughout the day, but in order to do that it needs to be able to breathe. So if you fail to take off your make-up before you go to bed, your skin won’t be able to restore itself. On top of that, sleeping in your make-up will clog your pores, causing your skin to look dull and blotchy and potentially causing breakouts. And let’s be honest, is waking up with make-up smeared all over your face really that much better than waking up barefaced?
Don’t brush your hair wet

Don’t do this at home!
Wet hair is a lot more fragile and susceptible to breakage, so let your hair dry first before tearing a brush through it. Alternatively, use a wide-tooth comb and gently work your way up from the ends of your hair to your roots, making sure not to tug or pull too hard at your strands.
Don’t rub your eyes

Rubbing equals wrinkles
Your eye areas are extremely delicate, so be gentle with and avoid rubbing them. Don’t pull at the skin around your eyes when you are applying skin care and don’t rub your eyes when you are removing make-up or washing your face. All this tugging can cause tiny tears and wrinkles.
Don’t bite your nails

Chewing nails is just too Bridget Jones
Biting your nails not only ruins your manicure, but it is also bad for your teeth. It might even damage your health. Constantly gnawing your nails wears down your teeth’s surface which can eventually lead to teeth erosion. And just think of all the nasty bacteria that are trapped behind your finger nails. Do you really want to get those in your mouth?
Sleep on your back

Sleeping on your back can prevent wrinkles
Years of sleeping with your face smashed into a pillow can cause permanent wrinkles. That’s right, those unsightly temporary sleep lines might one day become permanent. Fortunately, sleeping on your back can prevent this. Another option is to invest in silk pillows. Silk is a lot softer and smoother than cotton and won’t crease your skin as much.
Use sunscreen on a daily basis

Protect your skin
Most people only use sunscreen during summer, but even in winter the sun emits enough UV radiation to cause considerable skin damage. And don’t think that a window or a cloudy sky will keep you safe, because UV rays pass through clouds and glass. For this reason it is essential to protect your skin every single day of the year.
Don’t forget your neck

Help your neck look younger
Don’t skip your neck when you are applying moisturizer and sunscreen. Not protecting the delicate skin of your neck can cause it to age prematurely compared to the rest of your body. Looking like a spring chicken in the face but a wrinkly turkey from the chin down is not the greatest of looks.
Slather on the hand cream

Hands never lie
Our hands have it rough. They are constantly exposed to the elements and are often overlooked when it comes to skin care. No wonder that our hands are the best indicator of our true age. Regularly applying hand cream can help you stay one step ahead of Mother Time and can help your hands look younger for longer.
Go the extra mile

Physical activity helps to drop a dress size
Leading a mostly sedentary lifestyle can have a negative impact on your health and dress size. Luckily there are some easy ways to increase your physical activity throughout the day. All it takes is some smart decision making. Stop taking the elevator and take the stairs instead. Walk instead of taking your car. Stand up and walk around while making phone calls. Go for a quick stroll or even a run during work breaks.

Smiling makes you look younger
Exercise and excitement cause the body to produce endorphins, but so does laughing. Cracking a genuine smile not only makes you feel better but also makes you look better. Studies have shown that people pick up on other people’s happiness and consider happy people to be more attractive. So smile your way through 2015 and you really will have a beautiful year.
Melissa Van Roosbroeck is a style and fashion writer.
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