29 December 2023.
By Neptune
These reviews will be shorter since, like you, I am also on holiday. Just trying to keep you in the loop. May the New Year treat the rest of the world as well as us lucky ones here in gentle Switzerland. 🙏🍀
This has to be the best animated feature of the year. It is perfection in its heartfelt tale of a lonely dog looking for companionship, along with its delightful musical soundtrack.
The wonder is, it’s neither from Pixar nor Disney but from Spain, created by Pablo Berger (of the intriguing 2012 black-and-white, silent film “Snow White”/“Blancanieves”), who sets us in the middle of New York City in the 1980s. There’s no dialogue but wonderfully expressive hand drawn graphics and evocative tunes of the era such as from Earth, Wind and Fire, along with the Twin Towers in the background. Despite being populated with all sorts of animals, the Big Apple has never felt more authentic and nostalgic, with its hotdog stands, Central Park, Coney Island beaches and the changing seasons. It’s simply uncanny.
With a mere 5 million dollar budget, Berger introduces Dog who lives alone in a comfortable apartment and observes all sorts of happy couples around him. So he sends off for a robot companion and this is their story. It’s about friendship, loyalty and even new beginnings. Run to it, with or without the kids, for it will both amuse you and touch you deeply. Unforgettable.
FERRARI ***1/2
Adam Driver has been twice cast as famous Italian figures. First “Gucci”, whom he did not much resemble, and now the elegant Enzo Ferrari, the Italian car maker and motoring aficionado, whom he embodies well, with a new Italian nose. Beyond the nose controversies such as the recent Bernstein/Cooper one, this film by Michael Mann is an exciting portrait of the ‘Commendatore’ of Modena, who ruled the car racing circuits of the world from the late 1940s.
It is now 1957 and Ferrari’s company is in financial trouble, as is his marriage, which is in shambles due to his long-standing relationship with another woman. Mann depicts this imposing man trying to balance his private life along with his business empire, and protect his grand reputation. He turns his driving crew to what he knows best, racing, and the legendary Italian Mille Miglia, a 1000-mile endurance race across Italy.
Penelope Cruz is heartbreaking as his wife, while Shailene Woodley holds her own as his mistress and the mother of his second son. Mann covers Ferrari’s habits with discretion and finesse.
This is a strange, surrealistic film about a dull college professor (Nicolas Cage) who becomes famous due to his appearing in various people’s dreams. At first, he shows up in their dreams as a benign on-looker. But once he becomes a celebrity and a national figure, the dreams turn into nightmares as his character changes to terribly violent acts, terrorising his host dreamers.
This is quite an uncomfortable allegory on the power of the media and the phenomenon of cancel-culture. It is both well done and disturbing.
Superb **** Very Good *** Good ** Mediocre * Miserable – no stars
By Neptune
Neptune Ravar Ingwersen reviews film extensively for publications in Switzerland. She views 4 to 8 films a week and her aim is to sort the wheat from the chaff for readers.

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