Overall, in 2021, Swiss salaries shrunk by 0.2% in nominal terms and by 0.8% in real terms, given an annual rate of inflation of 0.6% across the year, reported the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) this week.

However, when broken down, women saw an overall increase in pay of 0.6% while men on average saw pay fall by 0.7%. The difference reflects differences in the type of work undertaken by men and women.
Pay for public sector jobs, a sector employing more women, jumped 3.7% in 2021. Sectors dominated by men did not enjoy the same level of pay increases.
Work such as coking coal, oil refining and chemical processing, typically dominated by men, saw nominal pay fall by 3.1%. Pay in software and IT, another sector favoured by men, also fell by 3.1%, reflecting in part the recruitment of larger numbers of staff with fewer years of experience. Construction, another sector dominated by men, saw pay rates remain static.
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FSO press release (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
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