On 11 September 2020, Switzerland’s authorities announced they were adding regions of France and Vienna in Austria to the nation’s compulsory quarantine list along with the Czech Republic, Canary Islands and British Virgin Islands from 14 September 2020.

From 14 September 2020, people entering Switzerland from these regions must now quarantine for 10 days.
The high-risk French regions are:
- Region Centre-Val de Loire
- Region Corse
- Region Hauts-de-France
- Region Île de France
- Region Normandie
- Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine
- Region Occitanie
- Region Pays de la Loire
- Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- Overseas area French Guyana
- Overseas area Guadeloupe
- Overseas area French Polynesia
- Overseas area La Réunion
- Overseas area Martinique
- Overseas area Mayotte
- Oversesas area Saint-Barthélemy
- Overseas area Saint-Martin
The high-risk Austrian regions are:
- Federal state Vienna
From 14 September 2020, Ecuador, Faroe Islands, Guatemala and South Africa will come off the list.
For a full list of countries/regions currently on Switzerland’s list of states with an increased risk of infection click here.
These lists are subject to change and regularly updated by the authorities.
If you arrive in Switzerland and have spent time in a one of these places in the past 14 days you must go to your home or to other suitable accommodation immediately on arrival and stay there for 10 days and not go out. No exception is made for children or anyone with a negative Covid-19 test. The Swiss authorities say that a negative test does not rule out infection.
In addition, you must report your arrival to the relevant cantonal authority within 2 days and follow any instructions they give you. A government infoline operates from 6am to 11pm: +41 58 464 44 88.
Here are links for information on reporting arrival in Vaud, Geneva, Valais, Basel-City, Bern, Zurich and Zug. For other cantons click here.
The legal requirement to quarantine is set out in Switzerland’s epidemic act. Fines for non-compliance can be as high as CHF 10,000.
More on this:
Switzerland’s epidemic act (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
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