Switzerland holds federal elections every four years. The last was on 18 October 2015 and the next is on Sunday 20 October 2019.

Answers are shown below in italics at the bottom of the page.
1. How many people have a right to vote in Switzerland?
2. Which party held the largest share of parliamentary seats in 1995?
3. Which party held the largest share of parliamentary seats in 2015?
4. Which party had the highest percentage of female candidates in 2015?
5. Which party had the lowest percentage of female candidates in 2015?
6. What is largest number of women simultaneously on the 7-member Federal Council?
7. Which party held the largest number of parliamentary seats after the 2015 election?
8. Which canton was the first to give women the vote?
9. Which elected members out of the UDC (SVP), PLR (FDP) and PS (SP) had the youngest average age in 2015?
Some of these questions were selected from those presented by Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office.
The following links provide data on past federal elections.
Vote percentages by party by canton in 2011 and 2015.
Voter participation by canton in 2011 and 2015.
More on this:
Federal Statistical Office quiz (in French) – Take a 5 minute French test now
Answers: 5,440,007 registered voters (at 19.05.2019); Swiss Socialist Party (27.0%); The Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP) 32.5%; The Green Party – 50.6% women; The Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP) 18.9% women ; Between 2010 and 2011 there were 4 women on the Federal Council; Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP) which held 65 seats; In February 1959 Vaud was the first Swiss canton to give women the vote at a cantonal level; The Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP) with and average age of 49.
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