On Wednesday, the Federal Council said it will cut Switzerland’s TV-Radio tax from CHF 451 to CHF 365 annually from 2019.

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According to Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, the cut is made possible by cost savings from simplifying the system and an increase in the numbers who will pay it – everyone will soon pay, not just those with a receiving device.
At CHF 365, it will still be high compared to what Brits pay for the BBC. There, households are charged £147 (CHF 190) annually.
Many are unhappy with the Swiss fee, and a popular vote, aimed at scrapping it, is scheduled for spring next year. The No Billag initiative aims to eliminate the fee and the broadcaster in its current form.
The question in some minds will be whether the new price will persuade enough to vote against the referendum to eliminate the payment altogether.
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