In December last year a group called RASA – an acronym for “out of the dead end” in German (Raus aus der Sackgasse), started collecting signatures for a popular vote that would serve as a Plan B should EU negotiations fail with Brussels over the 9 February 2014 vote to limit immigration from EU countries. If successful, RASA’s initiative would remove the immigration quotas to be introduced into the Swiss constitution by the 9 February 2014 referendum if an EU deal is not reached and EU bilateral agreements were set to unravel.

Source: Facebook – RASA Raus aus der Sackgasse
The first step was to gather the required 100,000 signatures from Swiss citizens. On 19 August 2015 RASA announced that they had reached this milestone. RASA started collecting signatures in December 2014. Today, 13 November 2015, Bern formally confirmed that 109,089 valid signatures had been collected.
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