This week, 14,811 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Switzerland, up 30% from the week before (11,407).

According to Alain Berset, Switzerland’s health minister, Switzerland will not be spared a fourth wave, reported RTS. However, this one will be different to the first three. The big difference this time is vaccination.
51% of Switzerland’s population has now been fully vaccinated, including roughly 80% of the most vulnerable. This has driven up the level of immunity among those most likely to develop severe symptoms, weakening the link between the number infected and the number dying.
However, there is concern about straining the hospital system. Daily hospital admissions on a 7-day average basis are currently running at more than 50 a day. On 15 August 2021, there were 70 admissions of Covid-19 patients in a single day.
302 hospital new hospital admissions were reported across the week. Delays with hospital admissions data mean that recent figures are an undercount. Hospitalisation figures rise once data collection catches up with reality. Last week’s 143 reported admissions has now risen to 255 now that the data has come in.
This week saw 12 deaths, up from 8 the week before, a relatively low but rising number.
According to the government the unvaccinated remain at risk and will become infected sooner or later. The government continues to encourage people to vaccinate over the coming weeks ahead of the autumn season to reduce the risk of straining the health system.
Switzerland’s vaccination rate has almost ground to a halt. The percentage of the population fully vaccinated rose by less than 1 (0.61) percentage point this week, rising from 49.94% to 50.55%.
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