To launch a referendum in Switzerland, organisers must collect 100,000 signatures within 18 months. The organisers of an initiative aimed at making telecommunication companies legally responsible for any damage caused by mobile phone technology managed to collect only 92,000 signatures by the 3 July 2021 deadline, 8,000 short of the 100,000 signatures required for a popular vote, according to ATS-Keystone.
The initiative aimed to make telecommunications companies legally responsible for any material or bodily damages resulting from the installation or use of any devices emitting or receiving wireless signals. In addition, it wanted the burden of proof to fall on the company to prove their equipment had not caused the damage – see text here.
The organisers of the initiative claim there is proof that radiation from mobile phone base stations and transmitters can cause problems such as headaches, sleeping disorders and exhaustion. The new generation of 5G mobile technology comes with a significant rise in the number of transmission stations and increases the exposure to microwave radiation, which will add to the incidence and severity of these problems, they say.
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