3 January 2020.
By Neptune.
Two superb actors from the grand culture of English drama – Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen – are enough reason to pull you into this intriguing tale of deception. They play two ageing people searching online for the right partner with whom to share their mature years. They are both charming, debonair and smart, but it’s soon evident that the man has other things on his mind, and not necessarily of the romantic kind.
This film by American director Bill Condon of “Gods and Monsters” fame creates an atmosphere of comforting romance along with an air of humorous yet malicious duplicity. We are pleasantly lulled into this story of an obvious con-artist and the trusting, well-off widow, wondering where it will all end. There are the man’s accomplices, one deliciously played by Jim Carter, the head butler from Downton Abbey, along with a caring grandson of the widow, played by a fresh-eyed Russell Tovey.
If you’re looking for quality entertainment with an absorbing script, multiple twists and great acting, this is your film. Not a masterpiece, but captivating and satisfying.
Just a short note to warn you about this hopelessly dull, unnecessary film made by the critics’ darling, Palestinian director Elia Suleiman.
It is certainly not heaven as he drags his audience through scene after scene, starting off on his balcony, then around the world, just observing life around him, without any dialogue. It is not the world, but rather he, that is the object and subject of this dismal example of what the French call “nombrilisme”, or navel-gazing. Save your precious time and money.
Superb **** Very Good *** Good ** Mediocre * Miserable – no stars
By Neptune
Neptune Ravar Ingwersen reviews film extensively for publications in Switzerland. She views 4 to 8 films a week and her aim is to sort the wheat from the chaff for readers.

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