Switzerland’s administration says migration remains volatile and unpredictable. Making reliable forecasts for 2016 is impossible given the number of hard to influence factors impacting on migration routes.
The first quarter of 2016 saw 8,315 asylum requests in Switzerland, around 45% fewer than the final quarter of 2015. The 1992 requests in March were down almost 25% compared to February. Most came from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Despite this decline, Switzerland should expect numbers to rise again later in the year, says the administration, pointing out that there were 3,826 more asylum requests during the first three months of 2016 than during the first three months of 2015.
In March 2016, Swiss officials processed 2,702 asylum requests, accepting 609, rejecting 875, and granting 559 provisional admission. During the month, 847 people left or were repatriated from the country.
Switzerland requested the transfer of 1,532 asylum seekers to other states party to the Dublin regulation, of which 489 were transferred. 257 transfers to Switzerland were requested, of which 48 were made.
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