An initiative in the canton of Zurich will ask voters on 3 March 2024 to decide whether those who demonstrate should cover the costs of damage and the costs of policing protests, reported SRF.

Those behind the plan argue protestors who break windows or glue themselves to roads should be required to cover the costs of damage and police intervention rather than leaving the costs to society in general. In addition, the government of Zurich will put forward an alternative counter proposal.
Parties supporting the plan include the Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP), the PLR/FDP and the UDF/EDU along with the canton’s retailers association.
The counter proposal does not go as far. It requires that the policing costs be passed on to those who act with intent. Currently, passing on these costs is optional. The change would make it automatic. The hope is that this will have a preventative effect, reducing unauthorised protests and damage. Those supporting this narrower wording believe the broader wording of the initiative makes it unimplementable. It is not possible to prosecute large groups of people for damaging property, say the authors of the counter proposal.
Some reject both the initiative and the counterproposal. The Socialist and the Green Parties describe both as dangerous and illegal. Collective punishment does not make sense. People who peacefully take part in a demonstration will be burdened with high costs. This is illegal and damaging to democracy they argue.
More on this:
SRF article (in German)
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